April In Our Garden

April has been quite an eventful month in our garden, what with the mild weather and timely rainshowers. The other day, two ladies came to our door to tell me that I had won the Garden Club’s Green Thumb Award. This is the first time in thirty-some years that I have received any recognition for my work in the garden, apart from the grateful thanks of neighbors who have received plant cuttings and seeds from me over the years and the people who occasionally walk by and stop to comment. I don’t belong to the club but I did once fill in for a particpant who had dropped out of their Garden Walk many years ago. The Club doesn’t resume regular meetings until September, but I will definitely look into joining them when they do.

The Birdfy camera has produced some amazing shots, giving us a greater understanding of which birds visit, what they eat and how they interact with each other. They may not always be the sharpest images but they certainly serve their purpose.

And lest you should think that I am relying too heavily on the Birdfy camera just lately, I still keep my Canon EOS handy for those shots that don’t come within its view.

51 thoughts on “April In Our Garden

  1. Congratulations on the award. Very nice. Wish I had the energy to take care of a garden like that. Good for you. Nice bird shots. I wonder what kind of a hawk that one is.

  2. So worthy of that award Sue, congratulations! I can’t quite understand how it’s taken the club 30 years to see the amount of work you have put in and the beauty that is so evident to everyone, plus the way you encourage the natural world to thrive in your own small ecosystem. In my opinion “the club” has missed the mark for years in not conferring that award to you and your yard 🙂

    • Thank you, Deb! I think the south end of our village tends to get overlooked but evidently these ladies had been tasked with checking out the area. They took pics of the garden and said they would be in their next newsletter. I even managed to get in a plug for the new book, so it was a win-win.

  3. Congratulations on the award Sue. Your garden does look so beautiful. Everything is still pretty drab here, as April showers have been few and far between. We managed a hour of sprinkles today and April is nearly done. Happy Monday. Allan

  4. A wonderful post with stunning photos of a beautiful garden full of pretty plants and interesting birds. Congratulations on the award- very well deserved.

    • Thank you, Marianne! It came as quite a surprise, and at a time when I’m finding it harder and harder to work outside. I have to admit, this award has made me even more determined to keep going. Hopefully, physical therapy for arthritic hips will help.

      • I think you are totally correct – keeping on moving is the answer! I’ve let some of my borders go ‘wild’ and they still look OK! As long as you keep enough energy to keep writing your books…I’m happy! I’m really loving the book. The story hooked me in immediately and now I can’t wait to find out more. ‘Marianne’ great name for a character…hope she turns out to be a goody!!!

      • I’m so glad you are enjoying the book, Marianne. You will be pleased to hear that Marianne will be the main character in the 2nd book in The Connections Series. It is already written and will probably be published this time next year.

      • Fantastic! You are amazing finding time to do all that you do! Delighted to know about the 2nd book- it’s all very exciting! Film rights next no doubt!

  5. Congratulations on the well-deserved Green Thumb award. Your flowers are gorgeous! I love seeing the visiting birds, and I’m impressed with the quality of the images. Cameras have come a long way!

  6. Congratulations, Sue, on winning the Green Thumb Award! It’s well-deserved recognition for all the hard work and love you put into your garden. The joy your plants and seeds have brought to your neighbors is already a testament to your green thumb. The Birdfy camera sounds like an excellent tool for capturing the beauty of your garden’s visitors, and I’m sure your Canon EOS is capturing equally amazing moments. Your garden must be a true haven!

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