Tag Archive | bees

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – Simplicity

This week, Patti has chosen Simplicity as the topic for the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge. Where I would normally, at this time of year, be enjoying lawns studded with colorful crocus at the Chicago Botanic Garden or photographing woods glowing with golden daffodils at the Morton Arboretum, I am now content with a few simple flowers in my own garden. They bring an enormous amount of pleasure at a point when even the sight of a bee going about its everyday business makes me want to jump up and down with joy.



Winding Down

Things are winding down now in our garden and this is when most of the hard work begins. There are still a few flowers about, although most of the plants and shrubs have been trimmed, thinned or eliminated altogether depending on how well they’ve done this year.

The rabbits have stuffed themselves to bursting point on whatever they could get hold of, including the bird seed and my best lilies.

The birds are on the move and making their way south so we are seeing some different species from the usual sparrows.  This one showed up last week. It was fairly small with a distinctive yellow rump. Not sure what it is so if anyone has any ideas I’d be happy to hear from you.

The cosmos and marigold flowers are particularly colorful right now and are attracting the last few butterflies. There are still a lot of bees buzzing about too, which leads me to an ideal opportunity to give my grandson’s podcast God of Honeybees a plug. The latest episode is about the study of consciousness. Interesting stuff so I hope you’ll give it a listen.

Summer And The God Of Honeybees

Summer has produced an abundance of flowers in our garden and I am finally coming to grips with all the weeds that have also been flourishing thanks to earlier rains. Here are just a few of the blooms that we have enjoyed over the past couple of months.

The only place you will find appropriately grouped colors is in these pictures. The garden itself is a jumble of colors, some of which complement each other and others that clash with little regard for text-book color palettes.

The place has been alive with bugs of all kinds, from the most unwelcome such as Japanese beetles to some of our favorites like brilliant dragonflies, butterflies and bees. Naturally, the minute I walk out there with the camera they all take off but I did manage to capture a few shots.

Which leads me very nicely to a topic close to my heart. My eldest grandson is currently promoting his podcast ” God of Honeybees ” the content of which I find thought-provoking and insightful. I do hope that you will be able to find time to visit his website as I’m sure you’ll find it interesting and well-worth delving into. I’ve written about this young man on several occasions and cannot say enough about his sincerity and kindness of heart. His thoughts on meditation, spirituality and consciousness come as welcome words particularly in this time of uncertainty and violence.

OWPC – The Bee’s Knees

This week, Jennifer Nichole Wells has chosen insect as the subject for her One Word Photo Challenge. With so many flowers in the garden it’s not surprising that we have quite a number of bees flying around.  Unlike wasps and hornets, bees are a welcome sight and I was happy to capture these few shots for the challenge.

For more on Jennifer’s One Word Photo Challenge go to This Week’s Challenges: August 20 – 26 (OWPC & WW)

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Apples and Apiaries

This week, Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge kicks off a new series of alphabet challenges with a twist.  Not only does the subject need to begin with an A but also a P.  Apparently, appointments have appropriated most of my leisure time today so here are a couple of quick entries that I thought would be apposite.  Apples and bees in an apiary at the Fruit and Vegetable Garden, part of the Chicago Botanic Garden.

For more on Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge go to Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Letter A – Needs to start with the Letters Ap