Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Patterns in Nature

I’ve been hoping for an opportunity to share these images and this week’s theme for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Patterns in Nature, seemed to be the ideal spot. They were captured at Cantigny Park in Wheaton last year and although they were growing in a heavily shaded area, the patterns on these plants really caught my eye.

23 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Patterns in Nature

    • Thank you, Marianne! I was never a huge fan of plants that didn’t have much in the way of flowers but I am gradually gaining an appreciation for those that have leaves like this. I’m even contemplating planting some ornamental grasses this year.

      • I’ve thought the same as you and I’ve planted more plants with interesting foliage! I’ve planted a small border with grasses and they have looked really pretty recently covered with first frost, then ice and finally snow!

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