Tag Archive | cheeky

Weekly Photo Challenge – Cheeky

As I have had occasion to remark in previous posts, the wildlife in our neighborhood has a tendency to stand its ground when I go outside to take it to task for eating my best flowers or raiding the bird feeders. Nothing comes close to the cheek of the rabbit when we stare each other out over some tasty lily shoots, he looking as though butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth and me shaking my fist and muttering curses. But the squirrel comes a close second.  Neither of them have any fear and their audaciousness knows no bounds.

And you can add another critter to that list. A few weeks ago we spotted this fox in a garden a few doors down.  I was a bit cheeky myself and ran round to the neighbor’s back yard to get a closer shot with the camera. I didn’t think he’d mind (the neighbor, not the fox.) But then, apparently, neither did the fox.  He just sat there, chowing down on some tasty morsel and watching me as I draped myself over the fence. My presence bothered him not one iota.

For more on The Weekly Photo Challenge at The Daily Post go to Cheeky